Monday, February 25, 2008

Entry #5

Up to this point, I have written two pages of Project 1. My writing does go onto the third page, but only by a few lines. However, I do know where I am going with the remaining two pages as I plan to address more of the economic aspects of having English as the official language of the United States. As for my progress in the writing process, I have already completed the thesis creation step and planning. I now am in the drafting stage as I write my paper and prepare it for peer editing. I think this progress is very appropriate as I am following the guidelines, and due dates, set forward for this project. In addition, I normally begin my drafting the night before the paper is due, so this progress is very appropriate compared to my normal writing process. The only thing I am confused about for this project is do I cite the casebook articles as works from an anthology or something. To help answer this, I can ask Professor Holmes, as well as possibly someone else from the class. I plan to continue explaining the different motivators for the push for a national language as well as finishing the rough draft as early as possible, not at 4:30 in the morning the day it is due, which should not be too hard to avoid considering I am already halfway finished. This is also my writing goals for Project 1.

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